Test Lesson

It’s important to book a test lesson before you buy regular lessons because you’ll see how the lessons work and if it’s all ok to continue with the course. You can read more about the test lesson here.
My test lesson lasts 30 minutes and costs 5€. During the test lesson, we’ll have a conversation in Portuguese so I can check your level. Then I’ll explain how I work and we’ll talk about your objectives with Portuguese. I work with total beginners, too!
If you want to contact me before booking your test lesson, please click here and send me a message.
Or click the button below and schedule your test lesson!

Regular Portuguese Course

I refer to my lessons as a COURSE because when a student books their first lesson after the test lesson, I understand that they intend to continue with a more structured and comprehensive learning plan that covers conversation and pronunciation practice, listening, writing, reading, etc.

Here’s what’s included in each lesson in the Regular Portuguese Course:

• 1-hour video call at the scheduled time

• Lesson materials (graded readers not included)

• Homework (text, video, audio, grammar exercises, etc.)

• Availability to communicate with the student between lessons

• Activities on Didaski.com

To make things easier for both the student and the teacher, I use a shared document where you can access all the lesson materials and homework whenever you want. And I’m always on the lookout for new materials and resources to keep things fresh and interesting.



Preparatório para o Celpe-Bras

Celpe-Bras is the only Brazilian Portuguese proficiency exam recognized by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. It certifies Intermediate (B1) and above levels. If you are a beginner student, read here how you can study for Celpe-Bras as a beginner in Brazilian Portuguese.

Durante o curso preparatório, você vai praticar para a parte escrita e a parte oral do exame. Para a parte escrita, você também vai treinar a leitura e a compreensão oral.

O exame não pede questões específicas de gramática, mas também trabalhamos essa parte, porque estudar gramática e estrutura ajuda a escrever bem. 

Você vai receber correções e feedback de todas as tarefas que fizer.

Você pode ler mais sobre o curso preparatório aqui. E neste linko que disponibilizo para contribuir com a preparação de estudantes para o exame.


Brazilian History and Literature – advanced students

This is a course for upper-intermediate (B2) and advanced (C1 and C2) students who want to use Brazilian Portuguese more freely. Throughout the course, you’ll discover Brazilian literature, talk about Brazilian history, culture and society. If you need to learn and review advanced grammar, we can also do it. 
The structure for these lessons work as the Regular Portuguese Course above (please note that books are not included).
This is a course for upper-intermediate and advanced students who are committed to continuous learning and practice in Brazilian Portuguese.

Here’s what my students are saying about me!
