Two free books – Advanced Brazilian Portuguese reading texts

Advanced Brazilian Portuguese lessons

This year, in May 2024, I finally made my Brazilian History and Literature lessons available and also wrote a blog post about this course. You can check the blog post later, but I’m talking about a course that I’ve been organizing and teaching for some years now. The course is for upper-intermediate and advanced students (B2, C1, C2), and we talk about Brazilian History and Literature.

Free books on Amazon – Advanced Brazilian Portuguese reading texts

Continuing with my reading project for upper-intermediate and advanced students, today I’d like to share two books in Brazilian Portuguese that are free on Amazon Kindle. I’ve read both of them; one is fiction, and the other is non-fiction. Both of them are short texts: Amazon’s website shows they are around 20-25 pages.

The first one is O amanhã não está à venda, by Ailton Krenak. He is a Brazilian writer, journalist, philosopher and indigenous movement leader of Krenak ethnicity. His short text, written in April 2020, is not only about COVID-19 but, more importantly, about humanity and nature. If you care about nature, environment, and human relationship with it, it’s worth reading. 

The second book is a short story by Lygia Fagundes Telles, A Espera. She is one of the greatest Brazilian writers, and her short stories normally make me feel uneasy. A Espera left me reflecting on it, the images persisted in my mind. I’ve used this text in my online lessons before, so if you are interested in talking about it, just let me know!

These are my free recommendations on Amazon; soon, I want to write about books I’ve already used with my students.



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